Welcome to Yoga on Demand: Badassery at Home! This is your way to yoga in the convenience of your home or office.
Yoga on Demand: Badassery at Home is a collection of pre-recorded videos that will get you where you want to be. It is definitely for you if you are:
*a busy professional
*too busy for longer practices
*can't get your yoga practice in but crave doing so on your own time
*NEED to keep up with your yoga practice so you don't crack
Do a few sun salutations, a 5-minute drills class, then sit in 2 minutes of meditation to get in a shorter practice on your busier days, or pick a 20-60 minute flow to get it in during your lunch break! Either way, it's the consistency that counts.
Don't be afraid to let me know what kind of classes you'd love to see available. I can't wait to work with you.
Badassery On Demand Video Library
Sorry, no refunds. Cancel anytime.
All recoreded classes are on Skool platform - let me know if you want additional information or classes you don't see here! I'll be adding routinely for your Badass enjoyment.